The Wade Whimsies Yahoo Group is an email-based mailing list. This means that when a member sends an email to the Wade Whimsies Yahoo Group, then all the members get a copy of that email. In this way, we can all respond and share in the fun of Wade collecting, discussions and questions/answers. |
You have the option of receiving individual emails (each time someone posts to the group), a once a day email containing a daily log of that day's emails or choose not to receive any email from the group and just read them at your convenience when logging into the Wade Whimsies Group page on the Yahoo Groups website. |
The Wade Whimsies Yahoo Group is open to anyone who enjoys collecting Wade Whimsies miniature porcelain animal figurines or any of the other decorative pieces and figures that Wade of England produces. Please join this group and share your stories of your Wade collection, Wade hunting and great Wade finds. Whether you have a Wade question or just want to Wade chat - this is the place for it! |